
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Palmetto Patriot

This edition begins a series of profiles to introduce some of the historical characters readers will meet when the fifth historical novel in the Yankee Doodle Spies series is released in 2025. One of the first historical characters the reader will encounter is Henry Laurens, a little-known but essential South Carolina founder who became the Continental Congress's president.

Man of Means

Laurens was born the son of a wealthy Huguenot businessman, John Laurens, in 1724. After receiving his early education in South Carolina, his father sent him to Britain, where he cut his teeth on managing money and accounts. His experience in England served him well on his return to South Carolina a few years later and, combined with his strong work ethic, launched him on the path to great prosperity as one of the most powerful merchants in the colony. In just a few years, Laurens expanded his interests by purchasing plantations and expanding his interests in the rice trade, but sadly, his big bucks were made in the slave trade.

                                                     Laurens's Company Advertisement

Husband and Father

In 1750, Laurens married the daughter of a wealthy South Carolina rice planter. Eleanor Ball would bear thirteen children, dying in 1770 right after her last child's birth. Most of his children died young, but at least four grew to adulthood, and one, John Laurens, would reach prominence during the American Revolution.

John Laurens

Militia Leader

Laurens joined the South Carolina militia and rose to lieutenant colonel while serving in wars against the Cherokee and the French and Indian War. Like many of the wealthy planter class, he also served in the colonial assembly, where he was deemed a conservative and leaned Tory.

Militia Fighting the Cherokees

Times of Trouble

As the political situation between Britain and the colonies worsened, Laurens was drawn to the Whigs—but suffered attacks from both sides. A mob of radicals stormed into his house and tore it apart in the search for stamped products. However, British Customs officials confiscated three of Laurens's merchant ships during the Townshend Acts. This made him more sympathetic to the Whigs, and he published a letter calling out the British for their restrictions on American trade. Still, he remained apart from those advocating direct action or independence.

Laurens's Ships Seized by British

A 1771 trip to London to check his sons' education changed things. Incensed by the corruption in British society, Laurens became closer to the Whigs. Three years later, when he returned to America, he supported independence.

Carolina Politics

By 1775, the rebellion was in full swing, and the cautious Laurens fully committed to the cause. He thrust himself into active politics and was elected to South Carolina's Provincial Congress—an illegal body that soon replaced royal authority. Laurens ran the South Carolina Committee of Safety, a critical post as the colonies prepared for armed conflict with Britain. He clashed with some of the more radical politicos in the state when he championed property rights in the state's new constitution to the extent of safeguarding the property of Loyalists from confiscation. Laurens served as the vice president of the new government of South Carolina from March 1776 to June 1777.

                                                   South Carolina Provincial Congress

National Figure

Although long a fixture in his home state, Henry Laurens entered the national stage in June 1777 when he joined the Second Continental Congress as a South Carolina delegate. The next November, he followed John Hancock as president of the Congress—a sort of speaker of the house. He introduced many vital bills, heading the often contentious factions during his tenure. His most notable achievements were the Articles of Confederation and the American alliance with France. It is as president of Congress that we meet Laurens in my novel, The Reluctant Spy

Henry Laurens, President of the Continental Congress

President of Congress

The South Carolina native displayed the typical Southern aristocratic sense of honor. This, coupled with a scrupulous attention to detail and an uncompromising view of corruption, actual or perceived, rubbed many of his peers the wrong way. President Laurens was highly respected but never loved. He would take on anyone, including Robert Morris. The mighty Morris influenced many against Laurens when he pushed for an investigation into his actions as the financier of the American Revolution. Laurens's role in the corruption accusations against the American agent in Paris, Silas Deane, also rankled many. By December 1778, Laurens had enough and resigned as president to be replaced by fellow Huguenot John Jay—the father of American counterintelligence.

Financier Robert Morris

Diplomat and Prisoner

A year later, Laurens went from being a controversial figure on the national scene to a controversial one on the international scene when he gave up his Congressional seat to serve as American commissioner to the Netherlands. However, the British intercepted his ship off the coast of Newfoundland. The canny Laurens quickly dumped the trunk full of official dispatches into the ocean, but the Royal Navy salvaged them. The Netherlands' role in aiding America was exposed, giving London a casus belli.

Laurens was taken to London, charged with treason, and thrown into the Tower of London to rot without adequate food or medical care until December 1781, when he was exchanged for British General Charles, Lord Cornwallis, who had been captured at Yorktown the previous October.

The Tower of London


But there was no rest for the sick and weary ex-prisoner. Upon release, he sailed to Amsterdam to finish his business with the Dutch. Then Congress directed Laurens to Paris, where he joined Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and now former Congressional president John Jay in negotiating a peace treaty. He missed the final negotiation and official signing as he was sent back to London to address business matters, and when peace came, the two nations would turn back to trading. He remained in London as an ex officio representative until formal diplomatic relations were established. One wonders how envoy Laurens felt engaging with his former jailers and tormentors—or how they felt dealing with the traitor and former prisoner!

           Signing the Treaty of Paris

Up from the Ashes

By 1784, John Laurens was back in South Carolina. But he returned to a state devastated by years of ruthless warfare and British occupation. His mansion in Charleston had been destroyed, and his businesses were likewise in ruins—he had lost the equivalent of many millions of dollars in service to his country. He spent his remaining years rebuilding the family fortune, turning down public offices of all kinds. He even refused to represent South Carolina at the Constitutional Convention.


Laurens had his reasons. He was aging, and his health was not good. But the likely cause was the blow he suffered when he learned his son, Colonel John Laurens (a staunch opponent of slavery), had died of wounds sustained in a minor skirmish in 1782. So, the elder Laurens remained in his native state, rebuilding his holdings until his death on 8 December 1792.

Although tarnished by his deep involvement in the slave trade, the former militia leader, businessman, slave trader, planter, politician, and statesman's contributions to the nation's founding were many—as were his sacrifices. He should be remembered for both but celebrated for his dedicated service to his country.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Bold Breton

The American Revolution had more than its share of bold warriors and badasses—tough men who, once committed to a Cause, remained undaunted and steadfast. This first patriot is unique among them as he fought for two causes, although he would only succeed with one. Armand Charles Tuffin, Marquis de La Rouërie, was a son of Brittany, that ocean-washed corner of France that shared its heritage with the Britons across the sea.

Young Blood

Born to a noble Breton family in 1750, the Marquis went to Versailles at an early age and became an Ensign in the elite Garde Francaise, the Horse Guards, and earned a reputation as impetuous and hot-tempered nobleman—this among a society of impetuous and hot-tempered noblemen. His exploits included wooing a notorious young actress (unsuccessfully) and dueling (successfully) with the comte de Bourbon-Besset, a cousin of King Louis XVI, in 1775. The latter was, of course, over a woman and got him cashiered in disgrace (the Code Duello was forbidden).

King Louis XVI

A New Cause

His opponent lived and the young Marquis fled to an abbey in Brittany where he sought solace among the Trappist monks. At one point he tried to poison himself. Talked out of it by friends, he did the next best thing. He abandoned France for the American cause, which he had admired from afar. His journey began in a tempest when his ship, Morris, was pursued by three British frigates. Armand and the other officers and men fought their way into Chesapeake Bay. Rather than provide a prize ship to the British, they ran Morris aground, torched the vessel, and fled inland. A fiery start for a firebrand. It was April 1777.

Chesapeake Flight

A New Commission

Founder Robert Morris had penned a letter of recommendation to George Washington. The desperate nobleman trekked on foot to Philadelphia to deliver it and other correspondence from France to the Continental Congress.  The Marquis de La Rouërie was commissioned under the name Armand—the name he was known by to the Americans. He soon came to General George Washington’s notice and was authorized to raise a corps of eighty riflemen who would function as rangers. Most of the contingent were Germans, and Armand led them in their first combat at Short Hills, New Jersey, in June 1777. Armand’s rangers took horrific casualties, some thirty men, but boldly retrieved a captured cannon from the enemy. He was promoted to colonel for his exploits and proved his mettle a few months later at the Battle of Brandywine, where he took some sixty Hessian infantry prisoners.

Armand's Germans captured Hessian Infantry

Raising a Legion

His success granted him authority to raise a legion—independent units with a mix of infantry and cavalry called the “Free and Independent Chasseurs.”. Chasseur was the French word for hunter—something similar to riflemen or rangers in French military parlance. Armand was soon deploying his Chasseurs in guerilla warfare around New York City.

Armand's Legion

Night Raid in New York

One of Colonel Armand’s most significant exploits during this time was a daring night raid. His target, a notorious Loyalist officer Major Bearmore. A member of Delancey’s brigade, Bearmore was known for his harsh treatment of Whigs in Westchester. Working his way through Westchester and around the King’s Bridge, with 100 infantry and thirty horsemen, his “hunters” reached William’s Bridge undetected by a nearby regiment of Hessians. He left his infantry to provide security for their withdrawal and led twenty dragoons to Bearmore’s headquarters three miles south. At around nine o’clock, his men swept in, seizing Bearman and five others. Armand is said to have thrown Bearman’s six-foot frame across his saddle and galloped off with him. The legion returned with no losses.

New Theater, New Command

Upon the death of Continental cavalry commander General Count Casimir Pulaski at Savannah in October 1779, Armand’s Chasseurs were transferred to the Southern Department and merged with the remnants of Pulaski’s Legion aptly renamed Armand’s Legion. The year 1780 saw Armand’s Legion in action, notably at Camden, where he helped cover what he could of General Horatio Gates’s Army when it routed.

Casimir Pulaski

French Interlude

Armand sailed back to France in early 1781, where he received King Louis’s forgiveness and the Order of St. Louis. He used his time in France to support the Cause by raising funds and gathering supplies. Although brooding over the lack of promotion in the Continental Army, he returned to America in time to partake in the final major campaign against the British.

Order of St. Louis

The Road to Yorktown

 While he was in France Armand’s Legion had been sent north to Virginia where it was employed trying to check General (and traitor) Benedict Arnold’s raids across the Old Dominion. Although whittled down in number through battle losses and illness, Colonel Armand took command of the Legion as it entered the siege works around General Charles Cornwallis’s Army at Yorktown. Not wanting to be denied glory, he and a handful of his Legion joined Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton’s storming party at Redoubt Number 10. Armand was the first officer to breach the parapet and helped force the defenders to surrender. Commended for his bravery, Congress finally promoted Armand to brigadier general in 1782.

Storming Redoubt 10

Cavalry Commander

The war did not end for Armand with Yorktown’s fall in October 1781. Instead, he rode south at the head of the newly named 1st Partisan Corps to assist General Nathanael Greene’s campaign to sweep the British from South Carolina and Georgia. Forcing outposts into surrender and seizing towns and territory was crucial as the British strategy in Paris to bargain for possession of what they held. To that end, they failed, although it took scores of small engagements and lots of hard riding and marching to foil them.

Colonel Armand

Laurels at War’s End

Armand and his Legion were sent north and reached the New York area in December 1782. In March of the following year, Congress promoted the bold Breton to brigadier general. Brigadier General Armand was also named chief of all the Continental Army’s cavalry—a title that once belonged to Casimir Pulaski. The two would share the honorific, “Father of the Cavalry.”

Continental Dragoon

Home to Fame and Rebellion

Brigadier General Armand returned home a hero in 1784—not of the Lafayette caliber but highly celebrated. Settling back home in Brittany, he married a noblewoman (who got ill and died soon after) and threw himself into local politics—championing the liberties of his fellow Bretons. He joined several other Breton noblemen in a petition of Breton grievances to the King in 1787. He turned down a military command to protest the loss of Breton liberties. This snub of the monarch got him tossed from the Army and into the Bastille, the notorious prison whose storming was one of the sparks of the violence that would come during the French Revolution.

Storming the Bastille

French Revolution

He was released from prison and later attended the Estates General but soon became disenchanted as he saw even a revolutionary France as a threat to Breton rights. When France broke into revolution and chaos. Armand tried to stay above the fray. Most of it concerned Paris, not his home in Brittany. However, as the Jacobins seized power and began their excesses and repression, the Royalist and conservative Catholic western France rebelled against the rebellion. This area, known as the Vendee, stood up the revolutionaries of Paris and their anti-Catholic policies. Armand formed the Breton Association, which raised troops. When the Austrians and Prussians declared war on France in 1792, they were ready to join them with 10,000 men.

Vendee Resistance was Determined

Defiant Fugitive

But the French victory at Valmy sent the Austrians and Prussians reeling, and the French central government turned on the Vendee. Armand went on the run when revolutionary dragoons raided his estate. He wandered Brittany accompanied by a few faithful companions for the next year. One of his companions caught a fever, and it eventually spread to Armand, who died of pneumonia on 30 January 1793, right after reading of the execution of King Louis XVI by the revolutionary government.

Armand as Marquis de Rouërie in the Vendee

Sadly, our Colonel Armand has gone almost forgotten—a brave B Player in two revolutions separated by an ocean. But he was an A Player to the men he led and the foes he vanquished. And one must suppose he was an A Player in the hearts of those proud Bretons he led and inspired in the struggle for their liberties and their faith.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The 2nd Duke

Wealthy Scion

It has been some time since we have profiled a British Army officer, so I picked one whose understated but valuable contribution to the Crown, a chap with the very likely and straight-out-of-central casting name of Hugh Percy. Raised in a powerful family (his father was the First Earl of Northumberland), young Percy overcame a series of childhood maladies to enter into a military career, a career he would himself essentially terminate just as he reached the peak of success.

Hugh Percy

A Call to Arms

Percy joined the 24th Regiment of Foot in 1759 as an ensign. Like so many from prominent and connected families, young Hugh managed to obtain a lieutenant colonelcy and position as aide de camp to Ferdinand of Brunswick. Also, like so many of his peers, The Seven Years' War provided the opportunity to garnish laurels in combat at the battles of Bergen and Linden.

Battle of Minden


By 1762, he was a lieutenant colonel in the Grenadier Guards, arguably the most elite unit in the Royal Army and guardian of the sovereign. He stunned many when he declined to serve as aide de camp to King George III. Instead, he stood for Parliament, earning a seat in the House of Commons as a Whig. His politics put him at odds with the Crown, particularly when it came to colonial policy. Ironically, Percy still maintained a tight connection to the King. He married the daughter of George III's tutor and mentor, Lord Bute.

Percy as Politico

A Gentler Colonel

In 1768, Percy bought a colonelcy in the Northumberland Fusiliers. He proved to be a very liberal and forward-thinking colonel. He took a different approach to leadership, treating his men with kindness and rejecting the traditional harsh discipline of the Army. He banned flogging and other harsh disciplinary measures. Percy also saw to their financial needs and those of their families, often providing funds to those in need. Rather than lead by fiat, he led by example. His actions quickly won the affection and trust of his soldiers. His approach resulted in a highly effective unit of men fiercely devoted to their commanding officer.

Northumberland Fusilier

Boston Bound

The political situation in North America continued to deteriorate over the next few years. Despite, or perhaps because of, his sympathies for the Americans, Colonel Hugh Percy received orders in 1774 to sail to America, where his regiment joined General Thomas Gage's garrison in Boston. Gage appointed him a brevet brigadier general and commandant of the British camp. Things continued to simmer in and around Boston, and in the following year, Gage began a series of pre-emptive strikes—punitive actions to reduce the power and threat from the militia.

Boston and Environs

The Shot Heard Round the World

Things came to a head in April 1775 when Gage sent Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith at the head of a column of some 800 regulars to seize militia gunpowder and arms thought to be at Concord. On 19 April, one of Smith's units, under the command of Major John Pitcairn, encountered a militia unit on Lexington Green. The short exchange, the so-called "Shot Heard Round the World," was followed by a larger firefight around Cambridge.

The Column Reaches Concord

Column in Chaos

Things went badly for the British, who began a retreat to Boston as thousands of locals grabbed their muskets and began to harass the column, cutting down many officers with aimed fire. Near Lexington, Smith's troops were reinforced by a brigade of some 1,400 men under Hugh Percy. Percy used cannon and volley fire to keep the militia (by now, we can call them rebels) at bay and brought Smith's demoralized men into some sort of order.

Percy guides the column home

Unlikely Savior

Throughout the long march back, under relentless and punishing fire from the rebel militia, Percy kept the British column together, maintaining discipline to prevent a disaster. When they reached Menotomy, Percy made a decision that likely saved the Army. Instead of pushing toward Cambridge, he changed their route of return and marched to Charlestown. This route had fewer rebels. The column arrived back in Boston. In July, Gage promoted Percy to Major General for his cool actions under duress. No small irony that an officer sympathetic to the rebels thwarted their best efforts to wipe out the column.

General Thomas Gage

Halifax Hiatus

Percy missed the Battle of Bunker Hill due to illness. To his chagrin, his Northumberland Fusiliers were cut to pieces under the heavy-handed command of General William Howe. True to his philosophy of command, Percy funded the return voyage of all the widows and arranged a small stipend for those in need. The British evacuated Boston in March 1776  and recuperated in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Gage had been recalled, and William Howe was now commander in chief.

Battles for New York

In July, the reinforced British Army landed on Staten Island in New York harbor. Weeks later, a whirlwind campaign was launched on Long Island. Here, on 27 August, Percy distinguished himself by helping lead a night march that cut off a third of the Continental Army. In November, Percy led a British force that drew fire from the defenders at Fort Washington, allowing Hessian General von Knyphausen's men to overrun the garrison and force its surrender.

Percy led regulars in action on Long Island  

Newport Nexus

The following month, Percy and General Henry Clinton led a British expedition that seized Newport, Rhode Island. When Henry Clinton returned to Britain, Percy was made commander of the Newport garrison. Things were not all rosy, however. Percy was critical of Howe's strategy and his conduct of the war. He also suffered from ill health. This combination caused him to request relief from his command and a return to Britain. General Howe promptly granted it, and Hugh Percy left America forever in May 1777.

Sir Henry Clinton

The 2nd Duke

In 1779, Percy divorced his wife on the grounds of adultery but soon remarried and had nine children with his second wife. Upon the death of his father in 1784, Percy became the 2nd Duke of Northumberland. He spent the next several decades in various military postings in Britain, dabbling again in politics and tending to his estates. He was a benevolent landlord who took care of the farm folk who worked on his lands. He was a rare lord who had the esteem of his people. Hugh Percy died on his estate in July 1817. His years of poor health finally caught up with him.

2nd Duke of Northumberland

Liberal Legacy

One has to wonder how the course of the war in America would have gone for the British had Percy remained, possibly even rising to supreme command. His benign ways might have rallied more Americans to the Crown, and his ability to inspire troops and his coolness under fire might have been the difference in the campaigns that followed. One interesting nugget—Percy had an illegitimate half-brother, James Smithson. The same James Smithson who bequeathed the funds used to establish what became known as The Smithsonian Institution—the world's largest museum and research complex.

The Smithsonian

Monday, September 30, 2024

Loyalist on Two Continents

Time to take another look into the experiences of those forgotten participants (along with the Indians and slaves ) of the American War for Independence—the Loyalists. The story of young Alexander Chesney is, in some ways, very typical of the experience of these British subjects who did not buy into the dream of independence and liberty. We will delve into his Revolutionary War escapades and take a peek at his post-war challenges—and challenges he had.

From Antrim to America

The fourteen-year-old Alexander emigrated with his parents from County Antrim to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1772. By then, the colonists' dispute with the Crown was in full swing, so the Scots-Irish family had placed themselves in a land that would soon be torn asunder by insurrection and rebellion, which for them would also become a civil war. 

He married Margaret Hodges around the time of the "Shot Heard Round the World—a marriage to be marked by hardship and sacrifice.

Tory Guide

In the early years of the war, the Carolinas remained firmly under patriot control, although many remained loyal, either openly or silently. These Loyalists were deemed a threat and were ruthlessly suppressed and oppressed. Young Chesney threw his hat in the ring and began helping loyalists, guiding them to safety through a maze of patriot militias. 


Eventually, his actions made him a target, and patriot militia Colonel Richard Richardson's men apprehended him in the spring of 1776. The militia ransacked his home and imprisoned him in Snowy Camp on the Reedy River in northwestern South Carolina. Richardson made him an offer he couldn't refuse: stand trial for assisting Loyalists and likely hang or join the patriot militia. 

Richard Richardson

Yankee Doodle Days

The young Chesney enlisted as a private and spent the next few years marching with the hated Yankee Doodles. Why? Seems his father, Robert, was imprisoned as a suspected Tory. The younger Chesney's service helped to keep him alive. Private Chesney served in campaigns against the Creek and Cherokee. Between these expeditions, he was a teamster bringing produce to Charleston, South Carolina, which was then in the possession of the patriots.

Militia Campaigns Against Creeks and Cherokees 

Serving the Crown

Things changed in May 1780 when the British returned (they had been repulsed in 1776) to Charleston and soon overran the state. When the British commander in chief, General Henry Clinton, issued his proclamation calling all loyal subjects to arms, Chesny came out of the patriot closet and joined one of the militia units raised by the renowned "counter guerilla," Major Patrick Ferguson. Ferguson's regiments racked up a string of victories in the bitter in-country fighting between Loyalist and patriot rebels. 

Fall of Charleston

Chesney rose from lieutenant to captain over the next few months. But his fortunes took a turn for the worse in early October of that year. Ferguson, hot on the trail of patriots and hot to recruit new men for the Crown, marched his brigade away from General Cornwallis's main body and managed to get surrounded by a corps of back-country militia—some of the most experienced frontier  Indian fighters and angry for revenge against Ferguson, who had threatened to hang them all.

Parick Ferguson

King's Mountain

Ferguson made his stand on a piece of wooded high ground called King's Mountain. The "Over Mountain Men," led by a bunch of tough hombres that included such legends as colonels John Sevier, Benjamin Cleveland, and Isaac Shelby, quickly encircled the Loyalists and started up the hill. The battle saw lead slam into tree trunks, leafy branches, and the hapless Tories as the rebel militia came at them firing, Indian-style, from tree to tree. Loyalists dropped like turkeys under unrelenting fire. Ferguson fell mortally wounded trying to rally his men. 

Over Mountain Attack on King's Mountain

Captain Alexander Cheney was also wounded and taken prisoner along with some 668 others. The Loyalists also suffered 290 killed and 163 wounded. According to his account, Chesney later watched as the prisoners underwent a mock trial, with many sentenced to death. One of the American commanders, Colonel Benjamin Cleveland, offered him parole if he provided them with Ferguson's battle tactics. But the tough Irishman would not betray his cause.

Colonel  Cleveland Leading Prisoners

Yadkin Death March

With shoes taken and without coats to protect against the worsening weather, he and the others marched off into captivity under brutal conditions and threats of beating and shooting through the rugged hills toward the Yadkin River and prison in Salem, North Carolina. Chesney escaped along the way and hid in a nearby cave but was later captured and held until released in a prisoner exchange.

Joining the Legion

He soon joined the only Loyalist unit with an even more terrible reputation among the rebels—Tarleton's Legion! He raised a mounted Loyalist company and served Colonel Banastre Tarleton as a guide, helping the Legion negotiate the back roads and woods as they marched from Fort Ninety-Six in a search and destroy mission. Their prey—famed rifleman  Daniel Morgan and his Army.

Tarleton's Legion in Action

Ironically, Morgan's forces occupied Chesney's farm at Grindal Shoals just days before Tarleton caught him at a place called the Cow Pens in January 1781. There, the reckless Tarleton launched headlong against his prey. After all, just a few lines of militia blocked the way. 

Witness to a Debacle

But Morgan was ready, with stout lines of Continentals behind the militia and dragoons hidden from sight. In one of the most impressive showings of the war, Tarleton's elite force was stopped cold, then cut off and crushed. Chesney led his men in the battle and managed to flee to the safety of the British garrison in Charleston. Tarleton escaped, but his Legion suffered over 80% casualties.

American Dragoons at Cow Pens

Embittered by what he viewed as poor management at Cowpens, he moved his family from his despoiled farm to the protection of the British near Charleston and tried to reestablish a small plantation, which included some slaves.

Guiding Lord Rawdon

But with war raging through South Carolina, Chesney soon took the field at the head of various Loyalist units. He operated along the Edisto River, often skirmishing with the hated rebels. His mounted company scouted for Lord Rawdon as he fought the last engagements in the state. Chesney was wounded again during a skirmish near the critical outpost at Fort Ninety-Six.

Fort Ninety-Six 

Crumbling Fortunes

October 1781 brought General Charles Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown, serious negotiations in Paris, and what were likely bitter months for the Ulsterman.

Yorktown Surrender

Presumably not fit for the field, he was appointed Superintendent of Woodcutting to support Charleston's fuel needs, as it was the last rebel bastion. He hired displaced Loyalists and did what he could, but the Americans were closing in. Things got even worse when his wife Margaret died in December 1781. The new year proved no better. Chesney became sick and could not care for his son William, so he had to send the lad to live with relatives. His farm was destroyed, and as a veteran of two of the most feared and hated Brtissh contingents, he would get little quarter.  

Charleston Harbor

Once the British Army left America, he would face a grim future. Although the last British soldier left the former colonies in December, Chesney decided to return to Ireland, arriving in Castle Haven in May of 1782.

Loyalist Recompense?

Normally, this would end the tale of Alexander Chesney. But in a sense, his life had only just begun despite the darkness of defeat and loss. Over the next several decades, he fought hard to rebuild his life. He went to England, where he sought to make his claim to the British government, and became a leader among the Loyalists there. He met with other key members of the Association of American Loyalists in London., where a petition was drawn for just compensation for their service to the Crown and the loss of property and land.

As with most of the Loyalist refugees, things came hard. Reaching out to former commanders such as Cornwallis and Rawdon did not help get through the British bureaucracy. While waiting on his claim, the doughty Chesney struck in a different direction. He sought and received an appointment as an Irish Customs Officer, specifically a coastal inspector.

Lord Francis Rawdon

Despite numerous petitions and a few trips back and forth across the Irish Sea, he was disappointed. His final compensation amounted to less than a quarter of his claim. What is the price of Loyalty? Undaunted, he went to work as a Coast Officer, chasing down smugglers along the northern coast of Ireland. He was highly effective at this.  

Another Rebellion

But in the late 1790s, Ireland broke out in its rebellion, with the Irish patriots hoping to capitalize on events in France.

United Irishman Hanged

By the autumn of 1796, the Association of United Irishmen in County Down and several neighboring counties were prepping for revolt. Possibly drawing on his American experience, Chesney got wind of this. He got a captain's commission and formed the Mourne Infantry in early 1797. His Irish Yeomanry company was the first formed in County Down. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, none other than General Charles Cornwallis, put down the rebellion and crushed the French invasion in 1798, ending the so-called "Year of the French."

Lord Cornwallis

Customs Service

Chesney's work as a customs official kept him busy. The Napoleonic Wars saw much illegal trade, and Chesney was on the move—suppressing smugglers and illegal shippers seeking to profit from the war. Along the way, he started another family and had several children. Two of his sons later received commissions in the Army, and his surviving daughter had a successful marriage to a clergyman. 

Chesney vs. Smugglers

Letter from America

In February 1818, a great shock came. Chesney received a letter from his eldest son, William, whom he had left with relatives in America. The stunned Chesney thought he had died! But William Chesney was alive and in Tennessee. However, his son was not well off. William revealed that Chesney's father, Robert, was also alive. Chesney did not offer to bring him to Ireland. They were never reunited.  

Alexander Chesney

Life and Legacy

Chesney penned a journal of his Revolutionary War exploits, documenting the savage combat in the Carolinas. The Ulsterman spared no one in his account. But, of course, through decades of struggle, he never really spared himself. Against all odds, and as a testament to his basic toughness, this Loyalist on two continents, the survivor of two pitched battles and numerous skirmishes, imprisonment, and deprivations, lived to the ripe old age of 83, dying on 12 January 1843. 

Chesney Grave

Loyalist and Irish Yeomanry leader Captain Alexander Chesney is buried in the Mourne Presbyterian Churchyard in Kilkeel, County Down, Northern Ireland.